Hiring Without Bullshit: Zero-BS Job Ads

Hiring without bullshit starts with zero-bullshit job ads.

It has been a zero-bullshit week on the blog: 

And what about hiring without bullshit? To me, it starts with zero-bullshit job ads. A job ad written so clearly that you do not need to second-guess where the company is going, what is the company culture, what is your job-to-be-done, who are the people you will be working with and reporting to, what is the work you are expected to deliver day to day and how the company will pay you for it. A job posting that will make it crystal clear if the role is a great fit for you. And if it is, the only thing you will have to focus on is to show your work and prove that you are a great fit for the role.

I was looking for such job postings and have found two great examples. The first, my favorite, unsurprisingly, comes from Basecamp. And the close second comes from CB Insights. Let's tear down both.

Basecamp job posting is a perfect example of zero BS, effectiveness and radical transparency. You do not need to waste your brain power to make assumptions about the job, the culture, the compensation package. It's all there. No need to second-guess. Just show your work.

CB Insights posting is closer to a standard one. It is not as radically transparent as Basecamp's. There are much more unknowns to the role, and you have to make assumptions. What I liked about this job ad is the way it transmits the big idea & the challenge of the COO role: how to square the circle between ambitious growth and ownership spirit. And the description of an ideal COO is my personal all-time favorite.


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Art: inspired by the work of Rodion Kitaev