I Am Not Good at Interviews

A three-letter word can change everything.

  • I am not good at interviews.

  • I am not good at networking.

  • I don't feel comfortable talking about myself to strangers.

  • I can't convincingly pitch my idea.

  • I don't know how to tell a good story.

I hear these statements again and again from my guests. Often they sound like life sentences.

A three-letter word can change everything.


I am not good at interviews… yet.

Do you see the magic? Do you see how "yet" turns despair and resignation into opportunity and hope?

ANYONE can get better at interviews, pitching ideas, telling great stories.

All it takes is a belief that you can improve, a little bit of thinking, and a whole lot of practice.

A video on the growth mindset and the Power of Yet:

and another one that you can share with kids: