On Confidence

A fresh look on confidence from Alain De Botton and “The School of Life”: it examines the good and the bad reasons why we may lack it and explores how we can develop more of it in our everyday life. Confidence is a skill and a catalyst for bringing all the good things in us into the world.

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Arina Divo
The Culture Map

This book provides a systematic, step-by-step approach to understanding the most common business communication challenges that arise from cultural differences, and offer steps for dealing with them more effectively.

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Arina Divo
What to Listen For in Music

This book is a wonderful companion for a classical music lover. In a friendly, accessible, yet not over-simplistic way, the author step by step unfolds the fundamentals of the craft of music, so that we can become better listeners. Read this book while actually listening to music - there is a playlist at the end of each chapter.

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Arina Divo

The motivation for distraction originates within us. Distraction is just another way our brains attempt to deal with pain. Therefore, the only way to handle distraction is by learning to handle discomfort. If distraction costs us time, then time management is pain management.

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Arina Divo
Deep Work

Deep work is the ability to focus without distraction on cognitively demanding tasks. It’s a true superpower of the 21st century, increasingly rare and valuable in a world of work full of shallow busyness and distraction.

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Arina Divo
What's Your Problem?

What if we could get better at solving the RIGHT problems? The way you frame a problem determines which solutions you come up with. By shifting the way you see the problem - that is, by reframing it - you can sometimes find radically better solutions.

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Arina Divo
How to Decide

Learn good decision-making by doing: with a pencil at hand, you can examine your past decisions and develop a better process for the decisions you are facing right now. A gem.

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Arina Divo
The Storytelling Code

This book distills everything about storytelling into 10 essential rules. Whether you need to tell a story to a client, a boss, a friend, or a stranger, this book will help you craft it.

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Arina Divo
Eleven Rings

Eleven basic principles of Mindful Leadership the most successful NBA coach developed to transform disorganized teams into champions.

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Arina Divo