#11 - One Job Is Not Enough

Do the Right Thing | One Job is Not Enough | 10% Entrepreneurship | Reinventing a Job Interview

It will not be an exaggeration to say that for many individuals and companies this pandemic is a defining moment. How we choose to act and react, to interact with our community NOW will shape how we will emerge from this crisis. When the dust settles, we will look back to today and ask ourselves - did I do the right thing? It's easy to do the right thing when times are easy. But what do we do when the old playbooks have been thrown away, and the only certain thing is an extreme uncertainty? 

The question that sets the scene for this week's newsletter: How to do the right thing in times of crisis? Or rather, what is the right thing?

In my quest for an answer, I've found the following resources particularly interesting.

Webinar Recommendation: The upside of pestilence: how the virus will humanise our organisations

Please don't be scared by a complex title. This webinar is really worth a watch. It is about how we can revert to philosophy to help us do the right thing. Philosophy may seem a luxury right now, but it is actually a necessity. Philosophy cannot offer prescriptions, but it give tools, discipline, encouragement and inspiration. "There are two responses to extreme uncertainty. One is nihilism. The other is a hunger for meaning. Drawing on their recent work exploring what philosophy can teach us about leadership, Jules Goddard and Dominic Houlder show how the institutions and leaders that help to satisfy that hunger for meaning will emerge from the crisis far stronger than those which do not." My personal biggest takeaway is the importance to see people not as Human Resources but as Resourceful Humans. - London Business School Pandemic Webinars

Do the Right Thing: The Role of Social in COVID-19

How do we engage with our Clients as a business, as a brand, in times of crisis? "More people are on lockdown now than were alive during WW2. As we navigate this new situation in real time, people are reaching out through social media for guidance, ideas, distraction and comfort. Social has a significant role to play in helping brands to stay relevant and present in the life of their consumers. Now is a time to act, but also to plan ahead. What can you talk about? How will you make visuals? What about influencers? Tactical ways to make community- relevant content without appearing opportunistic. From the individual to the biggest brand we all have a role to play. Your social channels are your way to do your part. There are five stages to a pandemic. Your audience will move through each of these stages and as they do their needs will change. Through listening, thoughtful content and careful monitoring you can find the authentic role for your brand to play at each stage." - We Are Social on LinkedIn

New Article: One Job Is Not Enough: 5 Actionable Steps to Find and Start Side Projects

The crisis is forcing us to rethink our careers and take steps to reinvent them. One possibility is to start expanding our career laterally, via side projects. This article describes 5 steps to define our portfolio of side projects and - most importantly! - act on it. Read more

Book Recommendation: The 10% Entrepreneur: Living Your Startup Dream Without Quitting Your Day Job

If you are like me - curious about expanding your career into entrepreneurship, but not (yet) ready to embrace 100% version of it, this book is for you. Entrepreneurship is not all-or-nothing proposition. This book gives a method to integrate entrepreneurship in your career without giving up your corporate job, step by step, on your terms. Read more

Finally, another right thing to do for companies and for those of us who are the hiring managers is to reinvent the job interview. Job interviews as we know them are broken. It's hard to believe it now, but after the crisis, there will be many new job openings. How can we improve the job interviews

  • for the interviewers to have better chances to spot the right candidates?

  • for the candidates to better showcase their strengths?

Podcast Recommendation: WorkLife with Adam Grant: Reinventing the Job Interview

With his guests, Adam Grant addresses 5 pervasive problems that plague job interviews and offers ideas how to fix them. Listen to it.


From Our Archives: Hiring Secrets - Basecamp

There is a company with a very unusual stance on hiring that boils down to the following: "Hire the work, not the résumé". At Basecamp, they look for people who are interesting and different from what they already have and give chance to unorthodox candidates that would have been cut out during a standard hiring process. I personally take a lot of inspiration from their work. Read more

Stay healthy, stay social, do the right thing,


Art: Sarah Mazzetti