#10 - Ignore Everybody

Rethinking career during the pandemic | Personality Tests Are Useless | Ignore Everybody | Stay Creative Remotely | Virus Side Effects


Here is your weekly dose of ideas for a better career. I hope you find something that resonates with you, sparks action and brings you value and joy.

If you missed last week's edition which was all about Ideas and Families - Getting Creative about our careers | How’s Work? | What women leaders know about crisis management | Survival guide for couples that work at home - you can catch up right here.

If you think that the ideas in this newsletter can benefit your friends and colleagues, please share this email and encourage them to subscribe.

During this busy week at work, my mind and attention were hopping among many different thoughts and ideas, and you will see that this newsletter is no exception.

New Article: Why Personality Tests Are Useless

I made both the title and the tone of this article intentionally provocative  (same as the video that accompanies it). My key argument: in career transition or in job search, nothing, even the most sophisticated or entertaining personality assessment tools can beat actions and experiments. Followed some interesting conversations on LinkedIn which have definitely broadened my perspective on the use and misuse of the personality assessment tools. Read more.

Staying Creative Remotely

As I was working to change the format of my weekly consultations for AFS Pro, I explored the possibilities of digital visual collaboration that offers MURAL and loved their "Definitive Guide to Facilitating Remote Workshops", full of ideas, case studies and useful checklists. My favourite quote: ‘I'd rather have  a great team with bad tools that a bad team with great tools. The great team will find ways to communicate well, regardless of the tools.’ So true. Good people first.

Book recommendation: Ignore Everybody

Another provocative title for one of the most original books on creativity I have every read.  Reading it was like having a timely conversation with a good friend or a trusted mentor. Realistic, encouraging, inspiring and fun. 'The idea doesn't have to be big. It just has to be yours. Sing in your own voice.' Read more

Rethinking your career during the pandemic

I am a big fan of the work of Herminia Ibarra - I will never forget my jubilation when I was reading "Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Leader". In her webinar "Leading through a pandemic: Using this time to rethink your career", she helps find answers to two important questions: How the current crisis affects our career plans? and What are the levers we can use to manage our way through this? She introduces the 'basics of transition' (brace yourselves for a 'bad news slide'), argues that iterative experimentation and learning is more appropriate than planning and implementing, highlights importance of shifting our networks and reengaging with dormant connections, and suggests to self-reflect out loud. A great webinar for anyone who is in career transition or is contemplating it. 

Pandemic Side Effects

Finally, another beautiful slam in French to listen to (see here for English translation) 'What if this virus had the enormous power of reminding us of what is really essential? When this virus leaves as it came what will be left of its side effects? What we will gain with all that we have lost?'

Stay healthy, sing in your own voice, act and think out loud,


Photo: Needpix