#16 - Tell Your Story

The Importance of a Personal Story | Non-verbal Cues to Build Connection | Impact = Ideas x Execution


For the past few weeks, I have been taking part in the Story Skills Workshop. Besides a sheer pleasure of learning, writing and sharing, I have become convinced that stories are everywhere and anyone can become a better storyteller. Stories can move mountains and build connections. They help in job interviews: to get attention, to get remembered and get hired. This newsletter is about the importance of a good personal story and building connections.

New Article: The First Five Minutes - Your Game Plan for a Great Job Interview

The hiring decision often happens within the first five minutes of a job interview. We need a solid game plan to get these first minutes right. It is deceptively simple: (1) clear the “safety checks” with a few simple non-verbal cues, (2) be prepared to tell your point, (3) be distinct, yet not too “off” - reveal your career trajectory and get attention bonus by telling a personal story. Find out how it works.

Book Recommendation: Making Ideas Happen

Our life and career are collections of stories. Interesting stories happen when we have interesting ideas. However ideas alone are not enough. When people want new ideas, what they’re really saying is that they can’t execute. Our brilliant ideas are worth nothing if we are unable to execute them. Making Ideas Happen = Ideas + Organisation + Forces of Community + Leadership Capability. Read more.

Worth Watching: the Power of Personal Narrative

Narrative is one of the most powerfully motivating human forces. Filmmaker J. Christian Jensen reveals how the same emotional forces that thrust us forward in a good film can propel us to do remarkable things. Illustrated by scenes from his Oscar nominated documentary, White Earth, Jensen tells how to construct your own personal narrative to accomplish things no one else can. Find your marks and own them.

Worth Watching: The Magic of Rapport

Although I sometimes see some communication “tricks” and “hacks" is too mechanical and manipulative, I have to recognise they often work. This talk by Tony Robbins is a 101 on communication techniques that build rapport

Stay healthy, tell your personal stories and build lasting connections.


Illustration: Jean Jullien