Predictably Irrational

We are all far more irrational than we and the standard economic theory would like to believe. What's more, our irrationality is not random and chaotic. It happens in repeatable, predictable patterns which we tend to underestimate or completely ignore

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Arina Divo
The Coaching Habit

Speak less. Ask more. Ask better questions. Actually listen to answers. And tame your inner Advice Monster. This book unpacks ideas that help us make the most of every conversation and change the way we lead for the better.

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Arina Divo

In a world where the only certain thing is uncertainty, range - in skills, experiences, way of thinking, openness to new ideas - is the key to adaptability, creative problem solving, and thriving.

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Arina Divo
The Art of Possibility

Everything in life is a story we choose to tell ourselves. So why wouldn’t we invent a story, a frame, a worldview that helps make ourselves better, make those we touch and the world around us a little bit better too?

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Arina Divo

The growth mindset is a belief that everyone can get better through effort; it focuses on learning and growth and does not let failure or stereotypes define us.

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Arina Divo
Writing Without Bullshit

If there is just one thing that enables action and change more than anything, it is bold, clear, and powerful communication. But how often do we communicate this way?

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Arina Divo