#2 - Jobs-to-be-Done


Here is your weekly dose of ideas for a better career. I hope you find something that resonates with you, sparks action and brings you value and joy.

If you missed last week’s edition - secrets of thriving dual-career couples, using constraints to boost your focus and creativity, 10 things nobody told you about being creative, and 1 decision that removes 100 decisions - you can catch up right here.

New Article

  • Interview Tips: Job-to-be-done. When you discover a job description online or receive one from a head-hunter, how often do you ask yourself: 'What's the REAL job-to-be-done here?' Most of the time, there is always more to a job than what's in the job description. Figuring out the real "job-to-be-done" is a powerful shift of perspective. It deepens your thinking, it makes you less egocentric and more empathetic. As a result, you pitch yourself and your ideas better and increase your chances to get the right job on the right terms. The article proposes a simple thinking structure to help you uncover the job-to-be-done of a job. Discover it here.

A Book Recommendation

  • How Will You Measure Your Life? This book by Clayton Christensen offers no quick fixes for a success in career and life. It does better: with the help of a few good and powerful theories, it tells us not WHAT to think, but HOW to think, it steers us to find answers for ourselves and make good decisions—not just in business and career, but in life, too.

Videos Worth Watching

  • This newsletter is a tribute to the late Clayton Christensen. His ideas have greatly influenced my thinking about business, career and life. This TED talk he gave in July 2012 was at the origin of "How Will You Measure Your Life?" book.

Articles Worth Reading

  • What is the 'job-to-be-done' of our work? What is our ultimate WHY? What in the end will make us feel happy? Each of us are going to figure out our own answer. But there are three things that all the money in the world will not help you buyA Calm Mind, a Fit Body, a House Full of Love

Things Worth Thinking About

  • "Never outsource the future." - Clayton Christensen

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Until next week,


NewsletterArina Divo