#1 - Couples That Work


Here is your weekly dose of ideas for a better career. I hope you find something that resonates with you, sparks action and brings you value and joy.

New Articles

  • Couples That Work. Recently, I've met someone who spent 5 years to crack the secret of dual-career couples that thrive in their love and work. What are the key turning points in the life of a dual-career couple? How to navigate them? What is the secret recipe that the strongest couples share? Read here.

  • The Beauty of Constraints. It may seem counterintuitive, but constraints - natural or self-imposed - can be a good thing when making job or career change decisions. 

A Book Recommendation

Videos Worth Watching

  • We All Win. Microsoft 2019 Superbowl Commercial. Two weeks ago, for the first time, I played computer games with my kids. To their sheer delight, I was hopelessly bad, but we totally bonded. Maybe that's why this commercial, which I discovered by accident, touched me to heart.

Articles Worth Reading

Things Worth Thinking About

  • "Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do." - Steve Jobs

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Until next week,


NewsletterArina Divo