#19 - Boost Your Network

August has been a break for the newsletter, though not for me. Happy to be back after a crazy month, with fresh ideas and resources for a better career - this time, around networking.

New Article: 3 Steps to Boost Your Network

Do you feel that you have been recently neglecting to nurture your professional network? That it has become stale and irrelevant to your next career goals or job search? If yes, in this article you will find 3 simple steps and a few ideas to give your network a boost it deserves.

Checking In: the power of intention, reflection, and action to be your best and help others do the same

The idea of “checking in” according to Kat Cole has resonated with me so strongly that I have gone as far as integrating its elements in my own 121 reviews with my team. And it works wonders!

Worth Watching: Networking in the New Reality

Curiosity and reciprocity, plus some ingenuity, will help you build relationships in the age of Zoom.

Worth Watching: Seven Lessons on Networking

Many find professional networking unnatural, sometimes even unprincipled. This is not surprising, according to INSEAD professor of Organisational Behaviour, Charles Galunic: humans evolved in much smaller groups than we now live and work in. However, research indicates that reaching out and making new connections brings huge performance benefits and helps drive innovation. In this film Professor Galunic considers some of the ways individuals and organisations can build effective networks responsibly and ethically.

Stay healthy and nurture your networks well,


Illustration: MaricorMaricar