#6 - Less But Better

Saying Less but Better | Living with Less but Better | COVID-19 | Wellbeing While Working from Home


This is your weekly dose of ideas and inspiration for a better career

In the total madness of this week, I tried, as many of us, to make sense of what is going on in the world and what is yet to come. I have also thought how to say less but betterdo less but better and live with less but better.

New Article: Stop with One Great Thing

Perhaps the most surprising observation from my year of volunteering as an interview/career coach is that we can drastically improve our pitch or interview by focusing on what NOT to say. By the time you finish reading this article, you will learn that saying LESS about your successes is better than saying more. And you will understand why.  Read more…

Screenshot 2020-03-15 at 6.29.25 PM.png

Book Recommendation: Goodbye, Things

A book about living with less. And being happy. Read more…


The articles that helped me better understand what is going on and what is yet to come:

Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now - Medium

Why outbreaks like coronavirus spread exponentially and how to “flatten" the curve” - The Washington Post

Down Dog Apps - free

I am a big fan of Down Dog app for yoga. I love it even more now that I have started working from home. Earlier this week they announced the initiative in the stressful times like these to make all of their apps - Down Dog, Yoga for Beginners, HIIT, Barre, and 7 Minute Workout - completely free until April 1st. 

Check it out…

Stay safe, stay healthy, stay home


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