Hello and Welcome

Hi, I’m Arina Divo.

I live in Singapore and work in the Asset Management industry.

I am insanely curious about people, teams, good leadership, organisational design, culture and the future of work. I’m constantly learning and experimenting, collecting and connecting new dots. I get inspiration from everywhere: my work, my big family, books, music, nature and of course, interesting conversations.

In my free time, I love helping people in career transitions. Over time, I have developed the My Career Map framework that successfully helps my guests

  • make sense of their career path

  • tell their career & life story in a relevant and memorable way

  • get clarity about what makes them tick and standout

  • envisage new possibilities for a fulfilling career

  • boost confidence

  • take concrete actions

Share your feedback, career transition stories, your challenges, your thoughts and collaboration ideas at: better.career.transitions@gmail.com